Sunday, July 1, 2012

Checking on New Queens in Hive #4 & Nuc - (July 1)

Sunny - 101 degrees.

Today I checked on the 2 new queens and their hives (Hive #4 and the Nuc). 

Hive #4:
The frames in the bottom box on the #4 hive were heavily covered with capped brood.  I also saw uncapped larvae and eggs.  This queen looks to be a really good layer.  The bees have started to draw comb on the top brood box as well.  Within the next two weeks the hive population will probably double.

The Nuc also has capped brood but not in the numbers as the #4 hive.  This may be because there is less space to lay in as I noticed plenty of capped honey, uncapped nectar and pollen in all 5 frames.  The brood pattern was tight and in the middle of each frame.  I’m just thinking she does not just have the open space to lay huge numbers of eggs right now.