Monday, June 18, 2012

Hive 4 Queen is Laying / Marking the Queen - (June 18)

Today I checked on Hive #4.  This is the hive I created from a split from hive #1.  The new queen has a large abdomen and is actively laying.  I saw a nice pattern of freshly laid eggs.  I spotted the queen laying many eggs in the short time I was inspecting.  She would first stick her head in a cell to check it out, then put her abdomen in and lay one egg, then move to the next cell and repeat.

I decided to go ahead and mark this queen even though I’m not sure if the eggs she is laying are fertilized.  Since these eggs are only 1 day old, it will take a total of 9 days to cap a worker bee and 10 days to cap if it’s a drone.  So I plan to check on this hive again on June 27 for capped larvae.

Here is a picture of the queen cage I used to trap the queen and mark her with a yellow dot on her back.  The queen is circled in red under the cage.  I also filled up the bucket feeder with 1:1 sugar water to give them food for the new larvae.

The Marked Queen.  Yellow = 2012.


I also checked on the Nuc I am creating to re-queen hive #1.  This queen also has a large abdomen but has laid no eggs at this point.  She should start laying in the next day or so.  I added more 1:1 sugar water to the entrance feeder.

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