Friday, June 8, 2012

Queen Hatched Hive #4 / Creating New Queen in the Nuc to requeen Hive #1 - (June 7)

I checked on Hive #4 today to see if a queen had hatched.  I found the queen cell on frame #3 had hatched.  I also found another frame with a queen cell that had a hole chewed in it.  On frame #6, I found two more queen cells that were still capped.  This means the newly hatched queen has not killed the other queen cells.

Since I need to re-queen hive #1, I decided to make 5 frame Nuc hive with the frame that still has queen cells on it with bees from the #1 hive.  Once I opened the #1 hive I also found queen cells.  This means one of two things. 
1 - Either the hive is too crowded and they plan to swarm.
2 - The original queen is now failing and they are trying to replace her. 

I don’t want them to swarm but do plan to re-queen as soon as I can get the bees to develop a queen and she is well mated.  To prepare for this I took the frames from hive #1 with the queen cells and put it in the nuc as well.
I am feeding the Nuc with a front entrance feeder.

I will check on the hives maybe on Saturday June 9th to see if the Nuc queen has hatched.  If so I will leave them alone until they are laying eggs in a good pattern.

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